From #11 to #11: I need your voice!

I don’t often play the baby sister card, but being the 11th of 11 children makes me a member of an elite group of big babies. Another card-carrying member of this Irish Catholic Last in a Long Line of Siblings Club is the imagesinimitable Stephen Colbert. So, in this post Duggan #11 is asking Colbert #11 to give the Duggan Sisters’ message some much appreciated attention.

Isn’t attention getting what baby sisters are supposedly all about?

Mr. Colbert, are you listening?


Dear Mr. Colbert,

This past spring I watched as you impaled the Dove/Unilever body image damage machine. It was brilliant and I thank you. I implore you to use your acclaimed voice to take it one step further.

Please consider the story of two sisters on the South Side of Chicago fed up with corporate greed and ineptitude who started making natural deodorant by hand in their basement and selling it to their neighbors. Hear their remarkable story of an endeavor that has captured the imagination of everyone who has met them and garnered them shelf space in premier retail locations in the course of one year, and without any marketing, public relations or advertising.

It’s true, Mr. Colbert, you need no longer go to Maine for your deodorant that doesn’t work. Now, from the city that works comes a natural deodorant that actually works! lifestinks® deodorant. Your awareness of my sisters’ story could launch a worthy endeavor into the stratosphere. Consider the Duggan Sisters brand for one moment.

Their story: Two sisters in Chicago, specialists in end stage care get righteously angry.  Having attended one funeral too many for young mommies, they realize they have forgotten more about healthy breasts (and armpits) than these sick and dying mommies have ever been taught. They make a decision to make deodorant and a difference, one armpit at a time. The DON’T BE A BOOB campaign begins at a parish Christmas fair on the south side of Chicago.

Their motivation: Shift the culture. END THE INSANITY. Heal the deadly statistics.  Provide basic lymphatic knowledge, diet and exercise suggestions and a safe effective natural deodorant THAT ACTUALLY WORKS –  lifestinks®.

Their motto: Enough with the PINK, let’s THINK!


Their strategy: The DON’T BE A BOOB CAMPAIGN: a simple laminated diagram of the human breast, armpit and lymphatic system that accompanied them and illustrated their message at every public speaking opportunity they could find: from PTA meetings and school science fairs to the prestigious ONE OF A KIND SHOW at Chicago’s Merchandise Mart.

Their credentials: Advanced Certification in Lymphatic Wellness and myriad other healing modalities through the Midwest College of Naturopathic Medicine.

Their vehicle:  Make lifestinks® deodorant in their basement and within 1 year attend 86 church, school, street fairs and farmers markets to talk healthy breasts, and why safe deodorant matters.

Their promise: To our Mom on her deathbed, minus one breast and her uterus, who commanded us, “God put a tongue in your mouth, now use it!” Yes, Mom.

Their goal: Nationwide awareness of lifestinks® deodorant in 2011.

Their milestones: They have created a 23-page website with a web store. They have sold in 42 states and to the US military overseas. They have a patent application pending for a new dispenser. They have been selected as Entrepreneurs of Focus by the State of Illinois. They were keynote speakers at the Green Family Festival because of their refillable deodorant decanter. homepage

They garnered the cover of the Irish American News and reports on ABC, WGN and the Chicago Sun Times. As “gold star clients” of the University of Illinois Sustainability Clinic they were assisted in getting legal representation, industrial designers and funding opportunities. They were recruited by Whole Foods Market and have launched lifestinks® deodorant in 16 Whole Foods Markets in Chicagoland as part of their Summer of 2011 Land of Lincoln No More Stinkin’ Campaign.

Their retail partners: Kohler Waters Spas, Chicago’s famed Merz Apothecary at Lincoln Square and Palmer House Hilton, Northwestern University’s Raby Clinic, Whole Foods Market Midwest Region and a variety of independent stores.

Their endorsements: Northwestern University’s Raby Integrative Medical Clinic; Dr. Karyn Mitchell, President, Midwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and the thousands of people who have voted with their dollars and purchased lifestinks® deodorant.

Mr. Colbert, I too am the youngest of eleven. I have lived in the Netherlands for the past 14 years working in global brand management. I have actually been to Unilever Headquarters and stood in the belly of the beast. I returned to the US this past year to help my sisters before they collapsed from exhaustion in their efforts to launch this, I think, worthy endeavor. I love them. I am proud of them. And, I believe you would be bowled over to meet them and experience their passion, wisdom, courage AND HUMOR. I would like to make that possible.

Let’s make sure that we thoroughly squash the Unilever Dove message. Let’s shine a light on two sisters in their basement making a real contribution to rebuilding our nation’s health one armpit at a time. May I send you a lifestinks® deodorant care package? May I introduce you to my sisters?

Kind regards,

Clare M. Duggan
Duggan Sisters

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