Just joining us? Be sure to read Part one of our #EXPOWEST adventure.
By Mary Duggan
It’s almost time to talk about the French food. It’s our favorite end of show blow-out food ALWAYS, no matter what the city, and made wonderfully simple and delicious by the folks at Bistro Bleu. Technically, it was only the end of Day Two, but that is typically the roughest day of all.

I know. This is hardly Parisian fashion. We call these our IKEA outfits. So we won’t get confused with Michigan fans.

And it’s probably time to say no to the dairy-rich delights of creme brulee. For us g-f types, it messes us up pretty much the same way. But Lord have mercy.

And ooh la la, we have worked so hard. Don’t tell anyone it’s Lent. For us Irish Catholic types, this is what’s known as a dispensation, or to non-Catholics, heavenly chocolate mousse.
And it’s almost time to savor our final and few moments at Seal Beach, on our return drive to LA. With the show behind us, we were finally able to drink in California: the ocean, the surfers, and the flowers.

I am sorry. But, you need to indulge me. It’s four photos of not being in wintry Chicago with a 67.5″ snow record.
But first, we had to complete the final day of the show. Day Three is sort of a funny one. Things slow down on one level and get more intense on another. Show organizers need to know for sure if you are returning. The entire Natural Products organization nationwide wants you to participate at regional shows. These are wonderful and supportive people who can finally breathe just a bit themselves and get around the show floor to promote their smaller but essential shows.

You do not ever meet ANYONE who is not a huge fan of Les Burks. He has been extraordinarily generous to the Duggan Sisters and a wise adviser. He’s the real deal in natural.

The SOHO ladies make a compelling case for the sisters heading to “the granddaddy” of all regional shows in Orlando in December. You would think it would be an easy sell; but it conflicts with One of a Kind and would be a big decision for us. But Orlando – in December!!!
Folks come by to seal the deal and get in on the show special.

Even before signing up her own store, Melissa brought so many folks to the booth that she should have been paid!
But finally, the closing bell was rung. The lights were dimmed. And the huge convention center emptied as suddenly as it had filled. The sounds of the shoppers were replaced with the drone of fork lifts and booths coming down. Where we will take our little booth next remains to be seen.
We know only that the conversation will continue, the work will go on…it’s always TIME TO SELL THE DEODORANT.
It was a slow and weary but triumphant return to LA, and a quick good-bye to our dear friends there. The hot tub was warmed and waiting to ease our aching backs one last time and Eddie, who will undoubtedly be enormous by the time we return next March, shared good-bye snuggles.
It was time to return home to our darling Boomer and the cats and the rigorous weeks of EXPO follow-through. It started to sleet and pellets of ice hit the car on our way back from the airport. Then during that very first night back 6 inches of very wet and icy snow fell, bending many trees but fortunately breaking only a few branches. Boomer came home from the boarding facility with diarrhea, vomiting and really bad behavior.
Home at last, where the only thing green is our smoothies. A few days later our first-ever pallet arrived slightly tilted but still intact. And the mail brought a wonderful gift from Fran Tully of Freshwater Organics. Six big jugs of dirt – for us to consume. Diamatacous Earth – or FPP – that is. And we can’t wait to add this amazing product into our daily regimen. We hope you have enjoyed our peek behind the scenes at EXPOWEST. And we hope you will continue on the journey with us as we join our Natural Products colleagues and endeavor to nudge our culture towards the most natural, safe and responsible solutions to serious health challenges and every day needs.
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About the author:
Mary Duggan is Co-Founder and President of the Duggan Sisters
The Duggan Sisters cracked the code and created a natural deodorant that actually works: lifestinks. And that was just the beginning. We hope you will spend a few minutes exploring duggansisters.com to experience their spirited approach to wellness through their natural products and healing stories.
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Tags: #EXPOWEST, Natural Products Expo